

  • Thank you for partnering in our work, and sharing our vision!

  • Your donation will enable Chabad Jewish Center of Wellington West to service the local Jewish community throughout the year!

    Chabad Jewish Center of Wellington West is independently funded by local friends and supporters like yourself. All money raised goes towards the benefit of the Jewish community.

    It is Chabad policy that each center is supported by the community it serves. All funding for local Chabad programs is solicited locally. No money is sent to Chabad headquarters in New York and neither are we funded or financially supported by them. Your support allows us to continue the important work that we do. Thank you! 

    Chabad Jewish Center of Wellington West in a registered Charity with the CRA. Your contribution is tax deductible, and you will receive a tax-receipt shortly in the mail.

    Click Here to join our Chai Club, and become a monthly donor!

    Mailing Address:
    166 Huron Ave N., Ottawa, ON, K1Y 0W4

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